Laboratory History

March 1960 Approval was received from the Science and Technology Agency for the Institute for Materials Research of Tohoku University as user “number 337”.
At the same time as when the Cyclotron Radio Isotope Center of Tohoku University was established, its Katahira Sub-Center was established inside the grounds of Kinken as a facility that is able to handle actinide elements at the tracer scale. Nationally, there are virtually no facilities that are able to handle actinide elements, so this facility has a history of performing research into unsealed radioisotopes for the Radioactive Metal Chemistry Division and other atomic energy divisions.

April 1988
Management was transferred to the Institute for Materials Research of Tohoku University, and the name was changed to the Laboratory of Alpha-Ray Emitters.
June 2008 Selected for a Kaken Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) (Principal: Professor Noriaki Sato, Nagoya University) with the aim of expanding research into actinide physics and chemistry by fabrication of pure samples and measurement of initial physical properties by the Laboratory of Alpha-Ray Emitters.